Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just the ordinary

It's Sunday!!! I'm glad I was able to make a video this week instead of typing. It's actually easier for me to edit a video than it is to type a blog post!

So this video is just the ordinary... =)


  1. Cool, vid. I really like the triple leaf canada flag.
    Free stabs and limbs! Sweet.
    I have to ask though. Why even have red rings on the targets there you guys are hitting gold every shot man. I don't need red on my target either b/c I hit only blues haha. Oh well.
    See you next week!

  2. You make my Sunday nights rock!
    It definitly looks like you are having a good time! But working your ass off too, so thats good.
    There was a definite lack of Vanessa at Provincials last week so hurry and come back :)

  3. hi vanessa! its jane :)
    i think that out of all the vids and pics~~ i have concluded that there are two girls and two boys who basically live in their parkas hahaha~~~ if you rewatch the video, then you will see it too... or you may just know who they are.. is it really cold there? COLDER THAN CANADA?!?!
    - love me!

  4. lol u used the word cusp.

    normal is difficult for u to handle bcos u are not normal. LOL omg i loved that milisecond shot of you and ur thumbs up. hahaha. and u talking about thingies that stick out, and limbs was funny. is that how u run in running shoes? hahaa oh vanessa u make me laugh.sighhhhhhhh hope u are still healthy.

    (L)j han

  5. hey vanessa! sorry to hear that you didn't have such a good week =( don't worry it'll get better!
    it looks like you're having fun though~~
    and you're in korea! watch some korean shows!! like the most popular drama in korea! the one that's shooting at your school~ lol
    i loved the part of the video when they were shooting. so coolio~ haha
    anyways, smell ya later!

  6. i looove visiting your blog :)

    fighting v! yooou can dooo it!

  7. hey van!!
    ughh sorry for writing in a gazillion years!
    i was just catching up on ur vids hahah
    omgeee heroes is back on, hopefully watching that will make ur week a bit better =)
    so i heard ur bringing back gu junpyo for krystal? hahahah can u bring me nichkhun from 2pm? hahahha
    be safe and im praying for you my loveee

    love aeri<3
