Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Adventure

Today, we went hiking up a mountain with the Dongbu High School boys. It was very difficult and quite steep but the feeling of accomplishment was worth it. I am VERY tired right now and I should probably get to bed.


see ya!

p.s. the video quality is very low. If you'd like to, you can watch the video in high quality by clicking on the YouTube image on the bottom right corner of the video. You'll be redirected to YouTube, where you can click "watch in high quality" under the bottom right corner of the video.


  1. Vanessa!! i miss you!
    looks lik eur having a lot of fun in koreaaa
    love the videos!

  2. vanessa it breaks my heart to hear that you're homesick. :( but that was really nice of your coach to do that. i feel like you're experiencing so many new things i wonder if they're overwhelming. awwwww vanessa i miss you so much too!! i think it's so awesome that you always remember ur family back at home and being so thankful all the time. i will answer your questions on the other blog very soon. i am quite tired myself. be strong in every aspect i am praying for you.


  3. i'm very missable :) you love me so much
    i know.

  4. haha that korean air must be doing your back some good! XD i think you should skype with your parents haha maybe it'll help with the homesickness? good luck with becoming more fluent in korean and saying what you want to how you want to!!

  5. i love how you document everything via video!
    LOVES IT! all i remember about climbing korean mountains was tha ti twas hard.. and very tiring

    so good to hear your back isn't hurting... fighting v!!

  6. Hey vanessa! great vids, i hope to check on you as much as possible~ thanks for the link :)

  7. Yes!!!
    You are right...

    God is truly working on you.
    God did work on you through the healing power of prayer, He loves you soooo much.

    Praise the Lord!!!

    Love Umma

  8. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bart :)
    excellente for you for completing your adVANture~~ (-_-;;~~) it would have been like a death sentence and a half for me~~ and i'm glad your back is doing well :) yay for your back. it was really nice to actually talk to you the other day in real time~~ without the excessive blog-time delays haha~~

    --love you! and love me!

  9. ...oh shoot.. it posted my name.... hi.

  10. ur hair looks good!
