Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fun times! =D

Here's a pretty cooky (head 가 빙빙) video. We work hard but we have fun too.


  1. Do we need to send you some Timmies?

  2. haha i was thinking the exact same thing as jenn (above) lol~~ but it doesnt taste the same when you make it at home. also, good news! i can hear your korean getting better! (even though you only said 굴 and 삼겹살) you're almost there bart! :D:D:D..mmmm 삼겹살...with 쌈~ tasty... haha

    love you! love me! and if you can't be sexay! dont be rude!!

  3. lol awesome vid XD haha you should eat more! you need the energy with all that shooting haha.
    it hasn't snowed much in toronto, it's just gotten really really cold (-30!!! :O). timmy hos should really go international :P
